Tuesday 18 December 2007

I'm An Island

Hi all,

Yes, we are back from the island ... :-)
I'd like to thank you once again for letting us 'have' the Black Box. I hope you found it back as clean
and tidy as it was when we came there, and that our visitors did not make too much of a mess ...
Apart from the curious 'raid' incident on thursday morning, there were no probs, and we
have been perfectly able to do what we had planned:
sit there, have people pass by, and stream the sounds we were playing in our Ameland studio.
I just put up a detailed description of our adventures on the island in the SoundBlog : "It is not easy to
be an island. There is water all around you" : read more

There is a low quality version of one of the 'pocketmovie clips' we made up at YouTube's : view

Hope we'll meet up again, soon!
Bingo, are you still posting AOM dates on the google calendar? I did not see any lately ...

all the best,
